the other day i was so cranky i thought i should write about the things that make me cranky
-tring to nurse with an exersice bra on oh i mean 2 exersice bras on
-asking my 4 year old to put his pants back on at least 10 times before he even thinks about it
-wearing sock i love bare feet that must be were my kids get it, they take there shoes and socks of the minute the get in the house
-slow computers that randomly shut down when you are in the middle of something
-taxes need i say more
-gst cuz we are way to far behind ( not my fault of course)
-living in a rental house
and i could probably go on but enough said
and for the things that just make my day
-getting to exersice in the morning
-hearing drew say "i like you mom"
-the smell of a fresh clean baby
-nap time
-when madison walks in from school i love having my kids home
-when madison and drew decide to play happily together
-kisses from a 4 month old (you know how they are nice and slobbery)
-hearing the words i love you when i tuck my kids into bed at night
-having my husband do the dishes without me even saying a word (thanks mike)
-wearing sweat pants
-seeing how much madison has inproved in school
and i could go on and on but i won't bore you any more
I can't believe you have three kids. Time goes by way too fast.
good lists positive ending there's always something good in everyday no matter what eh! How are you doing anyway? I seriously can't wait to get back into RPP! I miss seeing everybody! ttys
funny! i can totally relate with the crankie ones, especially the "2 bras"....hilarious!
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